Friday, 26 July 2013

Metabolic strength training “From the window, To the wall…”

Warm up:
 Jog the length of the room. Narrow skip, Wide skip Lateral side straddles. Lateral side step, outside leg moving behind. Rotation of the hips adding a torso rotation. X 2 lengths. Lateral side step, outside leg moving forward. Full length karaoke.

Mobility/ stretching:
 ½ length pendulum walk (hamstring stretch) ½ length standing glute stretch ½ length quad stretch ½ length quad stretch + pendulum (stretching the quadriceps, hamstrings and hip flexors

Primal flow:
Great for warming up all muscles without over loading one specific muscle group. Also, allows people to work at their own pace as you are working for time, not repetitions.

Squat (10 sec) + 2 x front lunges (20 sec) + walkout and hip drop (30 sec) + Press up (40 sec) + Sprawl (50 sec) + Rolling get up (60 sec)

7 exercises: 3 sets Rep range 5reps 10reps 15reps 1) Rollback, medball chest throw. 2) Over head KB swing 3) Jumping lunges 4) Single leg burpee 5) Rollback + KB shoulder press 6) Jump squats 7) Incline press up (chest to bench)

Staggered starts to avoid clashing Allowing 1 person to set the pace. All waiting in a squat position while the person in front moves to the next exercise. Between each completed set 1 x width of the room Burpee bunny hops 1x width of army crawl.

By Jen Ward
Level 3 Advanced Personal Trainer

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