Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Gyms: The Misconceptions and the Reality

I've noticed that before a client has an induction or has an initial consultation with me, or even just walks into a gym for the very first time they are often (99.9% of the time) absolutely terrified and full of many misconceptions about the gym environment.

The purpose of this article is to lay out these misconceptions and explain what the real situation is.

The Misconceptions/ Reality

  • Gyms are full of elite athletes who all know what they're doing
This seems to be one of the biggest and most powerful misconceptions in people that have never been into a gym before.

Fortunately it just isn't true.

There are probably more gyms than there are elite athletes.

The gym is full of people who have realised that it is populated mostly by people as clueless as the them in terms of training for any type of goal but are too proud, stubborn or shy to ask for help.

Men doing 'weights' seem to be the most clueless regular exercisers, followed by the treadmill walkers and bike plodders.

So to be clear...the gym is full of regular people, just like your regular supermarket or shop and this isn't about to change.

  • You will be judged by everyone from the moment you step into the gym until the moment you leave
To further the point about 'regular' people, the gym is full of people feeling massively self-conscious  (after all, that is why many people start training in the first place.)
Most are far too worried about being judged themselves to even think about judging others.

  • The gym is a sea of indifference! No one will help you if you're struggling. "HOW DARE YOU NOT KNOW HOW TO USE EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF EQUIPMENT ON YOUR VERY FIRST VISIT!!!!"
Gyms are populated by Personal Trainers and Fitness Instructors, and it is their business to help people out where it is appropriate.
You also get a decent amount of knowledgeable exercisers who, when seeing someone struggling, would be over straight away to help you out in any way they can.


My advice would be to ask for an induction on your first visit to a gym, then to have an experienced Personal Trainer go through a couple of sessions with you to teach you some of the fundamental exercise's that you will gain the most benefit from (squat, deadlift, press-up, kettlebell swing etc.,) giving you the foundations to form endless amounts of work outs without having to rely on anyone else.

Failing that circuit classes or boot camps are an excellent way to get acquainted with many of the simple yet effective exercises you could take away and perform in your own workouts.

Most get frustrated when they can't perform an exercise on THE VERY FIRST ATTEMPT, HAVING NEVER EXERCISED BEFORE.

I'm willing to bet you couldn't drive perfectly when first getting into a car, or grasped every concept of molecular biology perfectly after the first reading of an advanced text.
Exercise done correctly is an acquired skill.

It's going to take time!

Chill out if you don't get a press-up correct on your first go!

Give yourself a break!

Chill out man. Even in the middle of a PT session!

P.S I'm running a free consultation service between 1700-1900 every Monday evening, this can be by phone, in person or by email/facebook.

This is designed to provide very basic advice in how to achieve specific exercise goals and to establish whether you would be a suitable candidate for Personal Training.

Should you be interested in learning more either call 07703679622, email me at cjkpersonaltraining@hotmail.co.uk or add me on facebook by typing in 'Chris Kershaw PT.'

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