Wednesday 27 November 2013

Supplement Review: Mezza TurboMox Pre-workout

Mezza TurboNox in review By Christopher Kershaw

TurboNox is a slickly packaged pre-workout supplement, claiming to be “THE MOST EFFECTIVE PRE-WORKOUT PERFORMANCE PRODUCT ON THE PLANET”

A bold statement to say the least with tried and tested products out there such as Jack3d, NOXplode and Gaspari Superpump to name but three of the popular products reporting the same amazing effects and benefits, including:
  • Max Reps
  • Max Intensity
  • Maximal Muscle Pumps
  • Additional focus and drive
  • Providing the best workouts of your life
The dosage came in individually packaged sachets, making it very convenient to carry to the gym without having a smart shaker or separate Tupperware tub to carry around the powder. You could throw a few packs in your gym bag without taking up a great deal of space and therefore always having some to hand in case of emergencies!
So I sat this morning with my sachet of Cherry Bomb TurboNox, with my 200ml of cold water, ready to mix it, down it and get training 20 minutes later.
The powder mixed fairly well, with little powder remaining in the bottle afterwards, and the little that was remaining probably would have dissolved completely had I not been so keen to get the stuff down my neck!
The flavour was intense and although it did taste vaguely of cherry, the chemical taste was impossible to avoid, especially in regards to the after taste. This doesn't bother me whatsoever, with only 200ml to handle I can down it with no problems. People fussy with taste will probably find it difficult to handle, but I'd certainly suggest giving it a go, simply because of how intense the effects are (especially when you first partake of TurboNox or after having had a few days off it.)
On the packet, you are told to take it 20 minutes before your workout, but after around 15 minutes, my heart rate was racing and I was literally bouncing off the walls, so I sprinted into the gym, with fire in my heart and mind, ready and focused to smash an awesome chest and arms workout.
I absolutely flew through my Primal Flow warm-up, which involved various press-up variations, a Bosu Ball and a forward roll, after 10 minutes the TurboNox had really hit home, and I literally couldn't keep still, I felt invincible.
My first exercise involved taking my speed-work up a weight with dumbbell press. The dumbbells were flying off my chest, and I simply didn't want to rest, I still felt strong as an ox. The dumbbells were still moving with the same speed on my 6th and last set.
Awesome so far.
The second exercise came and went in a flash. Incline barbell press, 3 sets of 12 with a minute in-between each set. During the previous week I had only indulged in a sugar-free Red Bull for my pre-workout and managed 12, 10 and 8 reps respectively with the same weight, this week, with the help of Turbonox I pushed through and managed 3 sets of 12.
I may have fist pumped after the last set.
I was buzzing okay!
During the 3rd exercise, (incline fly,) I hit a PB for 12 reps- a massive 12 rep PB at that, with TurboNox still fuelling me all the way to one of the best workouts I have had in a long time.
During the 4th exercise (which was a superset,) I actually went down by one rep on last week, but due to being absolutely buzzing, I had far less rest than the previous week, I literally couldn't sit still and resting just wasn't an option in this mental state, so I still felt my performance was improved on the previous week.
During my 5th exercise, unilateral chest press. The effects seemed to be dimming (at around the 35 minute mark) but once I smashed a PB on the first set, the fire was reignited and I was back to absolutely flying again, preceding to smash PB's during the next 3 exercises.
I did feel sick at points during the workout and my heart rate was certainly massively elevated, but no problems came of this.
As with any pre-workout product, I would certainly avoid this if you have a history of high-blood pressure or heart problems.
Quite simply....What a workout.
Post-workout I certainly felt a come-down. I was constantly wanting to nap and sleep and eat more calories throughout the day, whether this is due to the product itself, or the additional stress placed on the muscular and nervous systems due to working harder I am not sure. But when you train harder it is simply a matter of fact that you are going to need more recovery time.
When you take TurboNox over consecutive days, you definitely build up a tolerance very quickly to it's effects, having to double the serving size within a few days to get the same effects, however I found that using TurboNox for alternate workouts offset this effect massively.
In conclusion I would say that TurboNox is the best pre-workout product I have ever used, I smashed loads of PB's in the session, felt fantastic, massive, pumped and motivated thoughout 95% of the workout.

You do build up a tolerance very quickly, but this is easily rectified by not using it for every single work out, every single day.
It is great value for money, and most importantly it is a NATURAL PRODUCT SUITABLE FOR NATURAL BODYBUILDERS. Try it and have the workout of your life!

You can find TurboNox on Mezza's site:
By Chris Kershaw

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1 comment:

  1. It ranks among the best BCAAs, and it is specifically designed to promote muscle building and increase strength during exercise. best bcaa intra workout supplement
