Monday 9 September 2013

Binge-eating Disorder: Defeating the Binge- THe Journey Begins

Wikipedia's symptoms of Binge-eating Disorder

Symptoms[edit source | editbeta]

All of the following must be present to classify as binge eating disorder.[5]
  • Each binge consists of eating, in a discrete period of time (e.g., within any 2-hour period), an amount of food that is definitely larger than most people would eat in a similar period of time under similar circumstances, and is accompanied by a feeling of loss of control (i.e. they feel that they cannot stop eating and cannot control what they are eating and how much they are eating).
  • The binge eating occurs, on average, at least twice a week for 6 months.
  • The binge eating is not associated with the recurrent use of inappropriate compensatory behavior and does not occur exclusively during the course Bulimia Nervosa or Anorexia Nervosa.
  • The person is seriously worried about the binge eating.
Also, an individual must have 3 or more of the following symptoms:
  • Eats an unusually large amount of food at one time, far more than a regular person would eat.
  • Eats much more quickly during binge episodes than during normal eating episodes.
  • Eats until physically uncomfortable and nauseated due to the amount of food consumed.
  • Eats when bored or depressed
  • Eats large amounts of food even when not really hungry.
  • Often eats alone during periods of normal eating, owing to feelings of embarrassment about food.
  • Feels disgusted, depressed, or guilty after binge eating.
So I've come to accept that I have given myself binge-eating disorder in the course of dieting for my bodybuilding show.

I felt I would share this and deal with this problem in public to show that it is ok to have a problem, and it is ok to struggle dealing with it.

Essentially, I completely lose control of my eating one to two times a week (without fail) and I will literally not stop eating until my stomach is in a great deal of pain.

What follows are feelings of massive guilt and even considerations of making myself sick.

The next day has recently become a fasting day where I eat practically no calories due to feeling so full and guilty from the night before.

So punishing myself by starving myself in effect.

This isn't right at all.

So I'm going to defeat the binge.
If I lose control again I give up bodybuilding, even if I have to drop out of the British Finals.

I CAN have cheat meals and go out and enjoy food.

I CANNOT lose control and eat until I feel ill (ok maybe at xmas) again.

No more rummaging through cupboards to eat absolutely everything in sight, hoarding food and midnight raids of the nearest 24 hour supermarket.

My first strategy is to stop using the scales to monitor my progress, and just use the mirror.

My girlfriend also now asks me if I am actually hungry before eating at night.

This is just step 1 in defeating the binge.

Many steps are to follow.

Setting an example to my clients is the most important thing in the world to me. I know this journey is going to enhance my ability to do just that.

Feeling very positive now!


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