And then an extremely pretenious video with various scantly clad people with amazing lighting posing around a gym with a swagger worthy of some kind of prize.
It made me really want to train though, so I thought I would include it anyway.
I want each and every one of my clients to achieve the goals we set, they set, and that I set them, I want everyone involved in my company to somehow better themselves through exercise, I want the Personal Trainers I work with to be among the best in the world, and I want C & J Personal Training to be at the forefront of the field in some capacity before I am done.
These are my goals.
I don't plan on stopping until they are achieved.
No days off, plenty of sacrifice, hard work, and you know what if you can enjoy doing it, it makes it a hell of a lot easier.
I love the pain of training, I love pushing my body to where I'm not sure it can carry on, and I want you to love it too.
Lack of money, lack of a gym, age, this is all irrelevant. Get over your excuses. You have a body that is designed to move. You don't need money or a gym to move around more. Just a decision to begin pushing youself, pushing others and setting an example to all those around you.
The time is now.
Earn your rest.
No fucking stopping.
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