Thursday, 7 March 2013

No Matter What....TRAIN LIKE HELL

I was hoping to get some time to write some more scientific, in-depth articles recently but lost all my research notes I had on the various article ideas in the process, which sucked, but the ideas are still bouncing around somewhere and will surely make an appearance at some point in the future, but until then........


And then an extremely pretenious video with various scantly clad people with amazing lighting posing around a gym with a swagger worthy of some kind of prize.

It made me really want to train though, so I thought I would include it anyway.

I want each and every one of my clients to achieve the goals we set, they set, and that I set them, I want everyone involved in my company to somehow better themselves through exercise, I want the Personal Trainers I work with to be among the best in the world, and I want C & J Personal Training to be at the forefront of the field in some capacity before I am done.

These are my goals.
I don't plan on stopping until they are achieved.

No days off, plenty of sacrifice, hard work, and you know what if you can enjoy doing it, it makes it a hell of a lot easier.

I love the pain of training, I love pushing my body to where I'm not sure it can carry on, and I want you to love it too.

Lack of money, lack of a gym, age, this is all irrelevant. Get over your excuses. You have a body that is designed to move. You don't need money or a gym to move around more. Just a decision to begin pushing youself, pushing others and setting an example to all those around you.

The time is now.

Earn your rest.

No fucking stopping.

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